We offer a variety of group services for children and their caregivers. Our groups are designed by experienced pediatric occupational therapy practitioners to specifically target a variety of essential skills related to play, social interactions, school participation, and daily activities.
Age requirements, number of participants, scheduling, and fees will vary based on the topic or event. See our event calendar below!
Contact us for more information or register online for an upcoming group.
Have an idea for a new group? We’d love to hear it! Take our survey!
Encourage your child to express his or her creativity while developing essential play skills! Other benefits include:
- Social interaction with peers
- Executive function skill development
- Following directions
- Planning steps and organizing materials
- Managing time
- Coping with negative emotions
- Visual motor and fine motor skills
- Cutting with scissors
- Manipulating small objects
- Sensory exploration through engagement with different textures
Let us answer your developmental questions and connect you with other caregivers while participating in bonding activities with your child.
Groups will be for primary caregivers with children between 6 months – 24 months and will include developmentally appropriate, sensory exploration activities that can be easily replicated at home.
Let us teach your child a wide range of skills related to eating in either an individual or group setting.
The goal is to alleviate picky eating habits and avoidance behaviors by making food fun! You can expect your experienced feeding therapist to do the following during each session:
- Encourage food play and exploration through social modeling
- Address positioning, oral motor skills, and sensory needs
- Develop a plan for home activities
Group cost may be subject to change depending on specific food needs.
Individual feeding intervention is also provided.
Preschool-aged children can join us for an hour of fun on the first Friday of every month. Spots are limited and fill up quickly, so early registration is recommended!
Our monthly game nights are scheduled for 5pm-7pm on the last Friday of the month (unless otherwise specified). This event fills up quickly, so early registration is recommended!
Let us teach your child important handwriting skills through multi-sensory activities targeting the following:
- Prewriting skills
- Shape formation
- Grasp development
- Directional awareness
- Early writing skills
- Letter and number recognition
- Letter and number formation
Individual instruction is recommended for addressing handwriting legibility, including letter & number formation (print or cursive), reversals (orientation), sizing, spacing, and line placement.
Let us help to improve your child’s mental and physical health through a variety of groups, including the following topics:
- Coping strategies
- Mindfulness and Meditation
- Yoga
- Fitness/exercise
We offer seasonal mini camps suitable for children of all abilities, including indoor/outdoor fine motor & gross motor games, sensory-fun crafts, skill-building activities, and more! During school holidays, mini camps are typically scheduled between Monday-Wednesday from 9AM-12PM on specific dates only. Please visit our Facebook or Instagram pages for more information regarding upcoming mini camps or check this link for current registration!
We periodically offer Music & Movement groups for children of all ages and abilities. Groups for children under 2 years of age are conducted with parents present, while parent participation is optional for groups with older children.
Let us help your child prepare for everyday life, learning skills that can be used at home and in the community. Topics may include:
- Home management skills
- Completing age appropriate chores
- Developing routine or checklist
- Practicing skills
- Dressing skills
- Tying shoes
- Identifying seasonally appropriate clothing
- Money management skills
- Identifying money
- Making purchases
- Meal preparation skills
- Planning meals
- Understanding kitchen safety
- Sequencing steps of simple recipes
Individual intervention can also be provided at our facility or in your home.
Let us meet your child’s sensory needs by providing fun indoor/outdoor activities and experiences that engage all of the senses:
- Music and movement
- Water play
- “Messy” (tactile) play
We also provide parent education and strategies for home sensory diet development.
Let us facilitate the development of your child’s social skills while playing games and participating in other fun activities that address the following:
- Making friends
- Winning and losing with grace
- Resolving conflicts
- Communicating with body language
- Having appropriate conversations
- Cooperating with others
Social groups for all ages are offered throughout the year. Contact us or check online to see what groups are open for registration.